Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thing #1: Frustrated from the start

I'm going to try the 23 things to learn the language of 2.0. I've already wasted a lot of time because I didn't read the directions and set up a blog name that was taken. Then it appeared that I already had a google account but I couldn't remember the password. So I had to use a different e-mail address and make up a new blog name. I've wasted over an hour that I could have spent reading instead of getting frustrated. Is this really supposed to be fun?


Technocrat said...

Remeber your mantra, "Technology is the pathway to wisdom.."

Amethyst Blogger said...

Thanks for the thought, technocrat, but I don't feel wiser, just encumbered with more Internet account names to lose in the pile on my desk.

BookPusher said...

I have such sympathy. Managing an online life (and not even 'second life) is burdensome on top of managing our real lives, isn't it?
The Happy Reader

Anonymous said...

Well Some would say so... but then again you're a 'technical dinosaur' compared to young whipper snappers like me :P ♥Your Young Lovable Teen